Demo 2: Edit an existing Helpdesk Request as a Tier 2 support user

To illustrate a more complex example, this demo models the scenrio shown on The OCD Concept tab.

Imagine that users have been raising new Helpdesk Requests using Demo 1. The Tier 1 support team is alerted instantly as each Helpdesk Request is created, and can see them immediately in Workfront. Tier 1 has its own OCD overlay, which lets them see what the user entered (in Read Only mode), along with the Tier 1 Parameter Group and its parameters (in Edit mode). Their process is to assign a Triage Ranking (a dropdown), rank the Requests accordingly, and in due course, fill in the Tier 1 Attempted Solutions. For Requests that they can't resolve, they set Resolved By Tier 1 to No (a dropdown) and fill in the Escalated to Tier 2 Date (a date).

Doing so instantly moves the Request into the Tier 2 support team's dashboard. From there, Tier 2 support can open each Request using its own OCD overlay, which lets them see what the user and Tier 1 entered (in Read Only mode), along with the Tier 2 Parameter Group and its parameters (in Edit mode). Note that the Office Use Only Parameter Group and its Parameters are completely hidden, since they were on neither the Edit nor Read Only Overlay Categories.

Try it out!

This example shows a Tier 2 support person editing an existing Helpdesk Request. An optional log in has been bypassed for simplicity.