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App Logo The Scoop

Looking for a single click in your Browser or Smart Phone way to keep up with what's going on in Workfront? This is it!
Deploy this Package to your Workfront Environment to install "The Scoop" Dashboard which includes charts by Project and User of user-entered Notes within - the past 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 hours, - the past 7 weeks, and - a filterable version since the entire history. Flip any chart to its details tab to see the heat themed color-coded entries: - Hot Pink if <1 hour - Bright Purple if <2 hours - Calm Lavender if < 4 hours - Soft Violet if < 8 hours - Pale Indigo if < 24 hours - Chilled Turquoise if < 48 hours - Snowy Blue if < 1 week, and - Icy White otherwise For best results, save a shortcut to your desktop and smartphone: a click a day keeps the surprises away!

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